Pixel Palette Inc is a Film Production Company based out of Toronto, founded in 2004 by director and producer Vikram Dasgupta. We provide Documentary, Film and Video production services from conception to actualization, with whatever means the subject demands. We act as a creative boutique and collaborate with clients and artists to instrument storytelling across multiple platforms. Our expertise ranges from live-action to motion design & from animation to visual effects.   

Our primary goal is to humanize organizations, artists and individuals by telling their stories and making them more accessible to a wider audience. 

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Style is the flavour of the month. It is not timeless. Story is.  

At Pixel Palette we believe that style is for others to find in our work and not to restrict ourselves with what is expected. Instead, we believe that we are in the business to surprise and be surprised. 

Our guiding principles ~ Story trumps style & emotion trumps story. Because no matter which side of the screen we are sitting at, when the dust settles, all we remember is how it felt during the experience. How we felt when the communication happened.